
We can struggle with anxiety for any number of reasons. No matter what those reasons are, they keep us from doing what we want to do on a day-to-day basis. Everyone gets anxious or nervous from time-to-time. In fact, in many situations it can be helpful because your body connects with that in order to increase focus, improve performance, and "get the job done". But for many people, it goes beyond that and ends up interfering with our daily lives to the point where it has an adverse effect on us. What causes it? It can be many things, and we’re all different so the source of it is just as varied. It can be trauma related, it can be related to depression believe it or not (even though at first glance they’re on opposite ends of the scale of emotions), fear of failure, or many other things. Do you:.

- Avoid any kind of public setting at almost any cost? 

- Change the way you do things like only shopping online, or go shop at 2AM at a 24hr store to avoid "Peopling"? 

- Isolate yourself in your "Bunker" like the Man Cave, She Shed, Garage, Bedroom, etc because you're overwhelmed easily? 

- Feel physical symptoms like racing heart, tightness in your throat or difficulty breathing, hot ears or feeling 'flush', shaky, stomach in knots/nausea, dizzy/tunnel vision? 

- Find yourself feeling any of the things listed above more often in situations you think shouldn't be hard, or you felt comfortable in previously?

We find ourselves in these situations, and with our body reacting the way it does. While our minds are just going 1,000 MPH we’re thinking “I’m just totally out of control!”. Our instinct is to fight it and “force” ourselves to calm down and “Get our shit together”, but more often than not it doesn’t work. In fact- it usually makes things worse (we try to force it, it doesn’t work, we get even more anxious about the fact that we’re STILL anxious, and we keep running on that hamster wheel). There’s a way to start to reduce the effect anxiety has on us, and it’s not to “make ourselves calm down”. The best way to deal with it is probably something you wouldn’t think would be helpful at all- to not push back against it, but to just go with it. As we used to say in the Army- “Embrace the suck!”. Doing that takes it’s power over us and we can better manage what’s going on. Sounds crazy, I know… but I’ve been able to help countless people not just reduce their struggle with anxiety but In many cases get rid of it altogether. It’s takes time, but you can get there- trust me.

Get in touch with me and let's work together to help you feel more in control of these things instead of them controlling you.

Contact Don.

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